Sandalwood Tree

Sandalwood tree
White Sandalwood at Rs 22000/kg in Delhi | ID: 17798204030.
Why is sandalwood so precious?
Sandalwood is expensive compared to other types of woods, so to maximize profit, sandalwood is harvested by removing the entire tree instead of sawing it down at the trunk close to ground level. This way wood from the stump and root, which possesses high levels of sandalwood oil, can also be processed and sold.
What is the sandalwood tree used for?
Both tree and roots contain a yellow aromatic oil, called sandalwood oil, the odour of which persists for years in such articles as ornamental boxes, furniture, and fans made of the white sapwood. The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the wood and is used in perfumes, soaps, candles, incense, and folk medicines.
Is planting sandalwood tree illegal in India?
Individuals were prohibited from cultivating Red Sandalwood until 2002. Today, it is allowed to grow trees, but it is not permitted to harvest and sell its wood.
What is the weight of 15 years sandalwood tree?
After 15 years the weight of one sandalwood tree might be between 180-200 kg comes with 10 16-24 kg heartwood. The price of Sandalwood Heartwood is Rs. 15,000 to 20,000 per kg.
Which country have the best sandalwood?
Indian sandalwood (Santalum album) and Australian sandalwood (Santalum spicatum or Fusanus spicatus) are considered two of the most coveted varieties.
Can I eat sandalwood?
When taken by mouth: White sandalwood is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth in food amounts. But it is POSSIBLY UNSAFE when taken by mouth as a medicine for longer than 6 weeks. There have been reports of kidney damage with prolonged use. White sandalwood can also cause itching, nausea, and stomach upset.
Can we grow sandalwood at home?
Sandalwood saplings should be planted in well drained soil and watered frugally on alternate days. Reduce the volume of water as the years go by. Use organic manure (once in 45 days) only. Sandalwood trees are semi-parasitic in nature.
Do sandalwood trees smell?
Among the traditional fragrance families (citrus, floral, amber, chypre, woody, ferns, and leathers), the smell of sandalwood is categorized as a woody fragrance. Other notable scents in the woody family include cedar, vetiver, patchouli, pine, and cypress.
What is the cost of 1 kg red sandalwood?
Red Sandalwood | Price |
December '21 | ₹1,100/Kg |
Does sandalwood tree attract snakes?
Responding to a query that sandalwood trees remain surrounded by snakes, Khurmi said even if snakes cling to sandalwood trees in jungles, it is because its wood is cool. But no such case has been reported in trees cultivated for the purpose of agro-forestry, he said.
Why red sandal is illegal?
The bark contains tannin, which is used for dye. Because S. album is highly valued in India and uncontrolled harvesting have cause populations to dwindle in recent years, India has imposed an export ban on Sandalwood and instated conservation measures to protect the species in the country.
Why red sandal is so expensive?
Facing severe threats of exploitation and poor regeneration, Red Sanders is a pretty rare wood, which makes it very expensive. The current market value per tonne of this timber is between Rs 80 lakh and Rs 1 crore, but can even go up to Rs 2 crore.
Is growing sandalwood profitable?
Harvesting. The sandalwood cultivation profit to an investor is tremendous and it's the only wood in the world to be sold by weight. Its market price ranges between Rs 3,000 and Rs 7,000 per kg, with the top-quality sandalwood sometimes sold at around Rs 10,000 per kg.
How do I sell my sandalwood tree?
Start cutting of sandalwood after cutting permission is recived. First cut the sandalwood twigs, then cut the thin part at the top, then cut the sandalwood from the bottom, then cut the sandalwood into three-three pieces and give it a number. For example, if you cut a tree first, give it number one.
How long do sandalwood trees live?
Sandalwood is a large, slow-growing shrub or small tree reaching to 10m in perfect conditions, but more often growing to 6 or 7m tall. It has a lifespan of 15 years or more. The sandalwood tree usually has a clear trunk—that is, its branches are carried high on the tree.
How long does sandalwood take to grow?
Sandal trees can be grown in all types of soil except marshy land. It needs at least 15 to 20 years to procure sandal wood from the tree. A tree may be cut after attaining a girth (circumference) of 2½ to 3 feet at the chest height of the tree. The hearth wood starts developing after 7 years.
Which sandalwood is costly red or white?
Although Sandalwood has many species but only two of them i.e.White Sandalwood and Red Sandalwood are most widely cultivated. Due to its therapeutic and cosmetic value White Sandalwood is quite expensive.
Can we drink sandal water?
Relaxes your body and soothes your urinary system: Sandalwood is anti-inflammatory in nature, thus it helps soothe inflammation in the urinary system and induces relaxation, thereby promoting easy passage of urine. It also increases the frequency and quantity of urination.
Is sandalwood good for sleep?
Research has shown that Sandalwood can have sedative effects which promote non-REM sleep and reduce wakefulness making it a great essential oil for insomnia. Sandalwood is similar to cedarwood with its rich, woody scent, but tends to run on the more expensive side.
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