What Is A Boiler Economizer

What is a boiler economizer
An economizer uses outside air to help control indoor temperatures and achieve greater energy efficiency. Economizers are commonly used in data centers to reduce the reliance on cooling devices, such as chillers, compressors or computer room air conditioners.
What is difference between economizer and boiler?
While both are heat exchange devices, in a boiler the burning gases heat the water to produce steam to drive an engine, whether piston or turbine, whereas in an economizer, some of the heat energy that would otherwise all be lost to the atmosphere is instead used to heat the water and/or air that will go into the
What are the advantages of economizer?
Economizers Save Money and Enhance Performance Economizers can be fitted with special sensors that detect the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, registering increases as more people use the space. Beyond a certain level, the economizer will enhance ventilation by allowing more fresh outdoor air to enter.
Where is economizer located?
Economizers are installed in the exhaust gas flow from the boiler. They take heat from the flue gases which they transfer via extended surface elements to the feedwater immediately prior to the water entering the boiler.
Why economizer is used in boiler?
Condensing economizers are designed to accommodate the corrosive fluids generated when condensing the moisture out of the flue gas. There are 2 types of condensing economizers: heat exchanger and direct contact (spray). They capture much more heat and therefore can raise the overall boiler efficiency by 10 % to 15 % .
What is the function of boiler economizer whay it is required?
A boiler economizer acts as a waste heat recovery device, ensuring that this heat does not go unused. Instead, the heat is used to essentially preheat the water, so that less heat is required to bring the water to a temperature high enough to make steam.
How economiser increases the efficiency of boiler?
An economizer captures and redirects sensible heat from the hot flue gas that normally goes up the boiler stack. This sensible heat increases the temperature of boiler feedwater or makeup water. On average, adding a standard economizer increases boiler system efficiency by 3 percent to 5 percent.
Why deaerator is used in boiler?
Deaerators are mechanical devices that remove dissolved gases from boiler feedwater. Deaeration protects the steam system from the effects of corrosive gases. It accomplishes this by reducing the concentration of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide to a level where corrosion is minimized.
Which is used to heat in economiser?
Detailed Solution. Economizer: It is also known as feed water heater. It is a device in which the waste heat of the flue gases is utilised for heating the feed water.
How much energy does an economizer save?
By drawing cool outside air into your building, there's less mechanical refrigeration. In fact, using an economizer can save you as much as 24 to 35 percent on your energy bill.
How does an economizer save energy?
Economizers allow for free cooling by opening dampers to bring in more outside air when the outdoor conditions are favorable, reducing the need for mechanical cooling and saving energy.
What is a superheater in boiler?
A Superheater is a system that converts liquid or saturated steam into superheated or dry steam. Superheaters are mounted in the airstreams to help restore the energy that will be lost by compression. Gas turbines for power production, steam generators, and methods like steam reforming all utilise superheated steam.
How much does an economizer cost?
Top Three Reasons to Install an Economizer Installing an economizer for your HVAC system is no small chunk of change. Economizers sell for as little as $900 for a smaller residential unit to as much as $10,000 or more for large commercial units.
What two conditions allow an economizer to operate?
The economizer should always operate during favorable conditions (outdoor-air temperatures between 40oF and 60oF in humid zones and whenever the outdoor-air temperature is lower than the return-air temperature in dry climates) to supplement or eliminate the use of mechanical cooling.
What is the minimum setting on the economizer?
Therefore, you must set the minimum position of your outside air economizer dampers to allow precisely 1000 CFM of fresh air. Under conditions which “Free Cooling” is not a factor, allowing too much outside air into the building will cause the rooftop unit to work harder than necessary – increasing energy costs.
What is the difference between economizer and heat exchanger?
An economizer is a type of heat exchanger that recovers heat from flue gasses to preheat fluids or puts it to use in another part of the production process. This recovery process saves on fuel consumption and costs, as well as it reduces the CO2 emission.
What is an Attemperator in boiler?
Boiler attemperators are used to fine tune / control steam temperature from a boiler, as well as the steam temperature between boiler stages.
How does a boiler stack economizer work?
A properly sized economizer will drop the flue gas temperature to 77° C (170° F ), condensing the flue gases and transferring absorbed heat into the water flow. The economizer can raise the effective seasonal thermal efficiency of these boilers from below 80 percent to nearly 90 percent.
Is superheater necessary between boiler and economizer?
A superheater is a vital part of the a boiler system that is used to increase the overall efficiency of a thermal power plant. More specifically, it is a device which converts wet steam (saturated steam) into dry steam as dry steam contains more thermal energy.
What is water hammer in boiler?
Water hammer is a pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid (usually a liquid but sometimes also a gas) in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly (momentum change). As soon as steam leaves the boiler, it starts losing heat. As a result, steam stats condensing inside the pipe work.
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