Inductive Reactance Definition

Inductive reactance definition
Inductive reactance XL equals 2π times the product of the frequency of the current and the inductance of the conductor, simply XL = 2πfL. Inductive reactance is expressed in ohms. (The unit of frequency is hertz, and that of inductance is henry.)
What is inductive reactance and capacitive?
If the reactance releases energy in the form of a magnetic field, it is called inductive reactance whereas if the reactance releases energy in the form of an electric field, it is called capacitive reactance. With the increase in frequency, capacitive reactance is decreased, and inductive reactance is increased.
What is meant by inductive resistance?
1. ( Electronics) the opposition to the flow of alternating current by the capacitance or inductance of an electrical circuit; the imaginary part of the impedance Z, Z = R + iX, where R is the resistance, i = √–1, and X is the reactance. It is expressed in ohms.
What is the definition of capacitive reactance?
The measure of the opposition to alternating current by the capacitor is called Capacitive Reactance. The unit of Capacitive Reactance is Ohms like resistance. The symbol of Capacitive Reactance is XC .
What is inductive reactance and its formula?
Inductive reactance is defined as:(10-4)XL=_ωL=2πfLwhere XL is the inductive reactance, ω is the angular frequency, f is the frequency in Hertz, and L is the inductance.
Why is it called inductive reactance?
Inductive Reactance: The opposition offered by an inductor to the flow of alternating current through it is called the inductive reactance.
What is the difference between inductive and capacitive?
Inductive sensors use changes in a magnetic field to determine the distance to the target; capacitive sensors use changes in capacitance. There are factors other than the distance to the target that can also change a magnetic field or capacitance.
What is difference between inductance and capacitance?
Capacitance, as we now know, is the ability to store energy in the form of an electric field. Inductance, which is measured in henries and denoted by the letter L, is the ability to store energy in the form of a magnetic field.
What is the difference between inductive reactance and resistance?
Mathematically, resistance is simply voltage divided by current. Reactance is a property that opposes a change in current and is found in both inductors and capacitors. Because it only affects changing current, reactance is specific to AC power and depends on the frequency of the current.
What is the SI unit of inductive resistance?
It is the opposition or resistance to a changing current flow offered by an inductor. The SI unit for inductive reactance is Ohm (Ω).
What is the symbol for inductive reactance?
Inductive Reactance which is given the symbol XL, is the property in an AC circuit which opposes the change in the current. In our tutorials about Capacitors in AC Circuits, we saw that in a purely capacitive circuit, the current IC “LEADS” the voltage by 90o.
Is inductive reactance positive or negative?
The reactance of an ideal inductor, and therefore its impedance, is positive for all frequency and inductance values.
What is XC formula?
Capacitive reactance is defined as:(10-1)Xc=1/ωC=1/2πfCwhere XC is the capacitive reactance, ω is the angular frequency, f is the frequency in Hertz, and C is the capacitance.
What is the unit for reactance?
Reactance is mathematically symbolized by the letter “X” and is measured in the unit of ohms (Ω).
What is the SI unit of capacitance?
The SI unit of capacitance is farad.
What is the unit of inductance?
The SI unit of inductance is Henry abbreviated as 'H'. It is defined as the measure of electric current changes at one ampere per second, resulting in an electromotive force of one volt across the inductor. Henry is a derived unit based on some 7 base SI units like metre (m), second (s), kilogram (kg), and ampere (A).
What is inductive formula?
The formula for calculating the inductive reactance of a coil is: inductive reactance, or XL, is the product of 2 times p (pi), or 6.28, the frequency of the ac current, in hertz, and the inductance of the coil, in henries. XL =2p x f x L. Where: XL = inductive reactance measured in ohms.
What is inductance and example?
Inductance is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it. The flow of electric current creates a magnetic field around the conductor. The field strength depends on the magnitude of the current, and follows any changes in current.
What is the simple definition of inductance?
Definition of inductance 1a : a property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it by a variation of current either in the circuit itself or in a neighboring circuit.
What is inductance in simple words?
Inductance is the tendency of an electrical conductor to oppose a change in the electric current flowing through it. It is denoted by L.
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